Computer Lab

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Computer Lab

State-of-the-Art Computer Lab

Computer Lab Interior

Computers have a very important role to play in the modern legal education and research. For instance, law schools have to generate a variety of written materials for students as well as for other academic purposes, such as, for conferences, meetings, moot-courts, seminars and workshops. Almost every law faculty has to supply to the students, the summaries of case law which are normally printed every year by the university press and the cost of printing is sometimes enormous. Every time the faculty has to pay the printing and composing charges a fresh. However, if the text is once typed and stored in the memory of a computer, the required materials can be printed out any time. This is likely to be relatively much less time consuming as well as much less expensive exercise in comparison to the printing business. With the computer facilities available in a law school or a law faculty, all other types of expenses, say for example, expenses on cyclostyling can also be saved.

Once we have a master print of the required document, it can be easily photocopied and distributed amongst the students. Similarly, students can also type and prepare their project reports and other academic assignments on computer, provided the facility is available to them, too. Nowadays, computers are also being considered as valuable aids in the law teaching. As a matter of fact, there are so many ways in which computers can be of a great help and utility in the modern legal education.” Computers have an equally significant role to play in legal research. For instance, every researcher working for a post-graduate essay, an M.Phil. or an LL.M. dissertation, or for a Ph.D. thesis has to prepare a working bibliography. In the normal practice, slbe writes down the names of the references and bibliographical sources on plain pages or on reference cards. Later on at the time offinal report writing, the researcher has to arrange those cards in bibliographical order and hand it over to the typist. If a single card is wrongly arranged, it is likely to be wrongly typed. Moreover, if a researcher is engaged in research on a topic on which literature appears quite frequently in journals, articles and newspapers etc., may have to update the text from time to time

Computer labs are a unique feature of the institute CLC’s Computer lab is equipped with number of computers which are loaded with the latest version of software needed for the student and faculty members with the internet facility as well. Both the hardware and software are of the latest version and the students have a complete fruitful access of the computer lab and it fulfills all the academic requirements of the students and faculty members.

Key Features

Feature 1

High-Speed Internet

Enjoy uninterrupted internet access with our high-speed connections, enabling efficient research and communication.

Feature 2

Advanced Software

Access a range of professional software tools for programming, design, and data analysis to enhance your projects.

Feature 3

Comfortable Workstations

Our ergonomic workstations are designed for maximum comfort, allowing you to focus on your tasks for extended periods.